7-63Power unitPOWRTIP:• After tightening the connecting rod capbolts, check that the crankshaft rotatessmoothly.• Make sure that the mark c of the connect-ing rod faces towards the flywheel magnetside of the crankshaft.12. Install the lower main bearings o andnew O-ring p into the crankcase.13. Apply sealant to the mating surface of thecrankcase.TIP:• Install the main bearings in their originalpositions.• Do not get any sealant on the main bear-ings.14. Install the crankcase onto the cylinderblock.15. Apply engine oil to the crankshaft boltsq and crankcase bolts r beforeinstallation, and then tighten them to thespecified torques in 2 stages and in thesequence numbers (a, b, · · ·). In the2nd stage, make a mark e on thecrankcase and crankshaft bolts q, andthen tighten crankshaft bolts q 90° fromthe mark. NOTICE: Crankshaft bolts qa–d can be reused 3 times.TIP:After tightening the crankcase bolts, checkthat the crankshaft rotates smoothly.oopCrankshaft bolt q a–d (M10):1st: 30 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 22.1 ft·lb)2nd: 90°Crankcase bolt r e–n (M8):1st: 14 N·m (1.4 kgf·m, 10.3 ft·lb)2nd: 26 N·m (2.6 kgf·m, 19.2 ft·lb)90rq qqeabc de fghi jklm n