7-3Power unitPOWR6. Measure each valve clearance e and faccording to step 7–step 9.TIP:Note the measurement data.7. Measure the intake valve clearance forcylinders #1 and #2, and exhaust valveclearance for cylinders #1 and #3. Adjustif out of specification.8. Turn the flywheel magnet 360° clockwise.9. Measure the intake valve clearance forcylinders #3 and #4, and exhaust valveclearance for cylinders #2 and #4. Adjustif out of specification.Adjusting the valve clearanceAdjust the valve clearances when the engineis cold.• Do not turn the flywheel magnet coun-terclockwise, otherwise the water pumpimpeller may be damaged.• Do not turn the flywheel magnet or thedriven sprockets when the timing belt isnot installed. Otherwise the pistons andvalves, or intake and exhaust valves willcollide with each other and be damaged.1. Align the “TDC” mark on the flywheelmagnet with the pointer, and check thatthe “I” marks on the driven sprockets arealigned. See “Checking the valve clear-ance” (7-2) step 1–step 5.2. Remove the flywheel magnet andWoodruff key. See “Removing theflywheel magnet” (7-6).3. Disconnect the stator assembly couplera and pulser coil coupler b, and thenremove the blowby hose a and statorassembly (lighting coil) b.Valve clearance:Intake e:0.20 ± 0.03 mm (0.008 ± 0.001 in)Exhaust f:0.34 ± 0.03 mm (0.013 ± 0.001 in)abc de fEX IN#1#2#3#4