5-27ELEC Electrical systemChecking the Rectifier RegulatorIf the battery cables are connected inreverse, the Rectifier Regulator can bedamaged.1. Disconnect the Rectifier Regulator cou-pler a, and then connect the test har-ness (3 pins) a.2. Measure the Rectifier Regulator outputpeak voltage.TIP:Do not use peak voltage adapter B whenmeasuring the Rectifier Regulator outputpeak voltage.3. Disconnect the test harness a and light-ing coil coupler.4. Make sure to set the measurement rangeb, and display the mark c by pushingthe switch d.A Tester model CD721B Tester model CD731a5. Check the Rectifier Regulator for continu-ity. Replace if out of specification.Test harness (3 pins) a: 90890-06846Rectifier Regulator output peak voltage:Red (R)–Groundr/min Loaded1500 3500DC V 13.0 13.0RRR RB Baaabc dAbcdBefghkmefghkm