2-7TECHFEA Technical features and descriptionSystem chartAfter running through the fuel filter, the fuel is sent to the vapor separator by the fuel pump attachedto the cylinder head cover and driven by the camshaft.Then, the fuel is pressurized by the electric fuel pump within the vapor separator, runs through thepressure regulator to the fuel rail, and injected into the combustion chamber through the fuel injector.The pressure regulator is installed at the outlet of the electric fuel pump to make the design compactand to allow simple delivery of the fuel.The fuel discharged from the pressure regulator is cooled down by the fuel cooler, and sent back tothe vapor separator.The pressure check valve is installed on the fuel rail for improved serviceability of the fuel system.A Fuel flowa Primer pumpb Fuel filterc Fuel pumpd Fuel filtere Vapor separatorf High-pressure fuel pumpg Pressure regulatorh Fuel raili Fuel coolerj Fuel injectork Pressure check valvej #1j #2j #3j #4geifh kjbadcAa bdefghikc