CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONLightsheet Z.1 Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Carl Zeiss02/2013 000000-1790-528 63The second window of the Auto-Adjust wizard displays a live image of the sample and it describeswhich action is necessary during this step (Please verify that no bright structures, like parts of the sampleholder or the sample are visible in the image. If necessary, re-position the sample accordingly.).The light path has been changed automatically, removing the laser blocking filter from the beam path, sostray light from the activated laser can be seen. Hence any bright or blocking structures, like the sampleholder or the sample, are visible. If this is the case (Fig. 90), the sample must be moved (optimally in they direction), resulting in an evenly illuminated field of view. To proceed press the Next button.The window of the Auto-Adjust wizard is now minimized and a smaller control panel remains (Fig. 91). Aprogress bar shows the progress of the light sheet alignment. There is no interaction needed. A short textdescribes the process (The Light sheet alignment for the laserline of this channel is in progress. Pleasewait …).When the light sheet adjustment is finished it is indicated with the displayed information (The Light sheetadjustment for the Laserline of this channel was successful. Please press the Finish button to leave thewizard.) and the Finish button (Fig. 92) can be pressed. The resulting settings are automatically writteninto the input boxes Left and Right (or one of them, if Single Side Illumination is chosen in theAcquisition Tool window).Fig. 90 Light sheet Auto-Adjust second window, bright elements in the beam path (left),even illumination (right)Fig. 91 Light sheet Auto-Adjust procedure in progressFig. 92 Light sheet Auto-Adjust procedure finished