CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Lightsheet Z.170 000000-1790-528 02/2013To get information on how long the imageacquisition of one time point will take, you canpress the Validate Speed button. The system willsimulate all actions of the time point specified inthe experiment (tracks, exposure times, Z-Stack,multiview).Hence the process will take approximately as longas it will take during the experiment itself, up toseveral minutes. You can follow the process by thedisplayed progress bar (Fig. 97) and Cancel if ittakes too long.After the Validate Speed process is finished,information is given on how long the experimentwill last (Fig. 98).If a number of cycles is chosen for the experiment,the text on the left reads: The Experiment runsfor …h; when a duration is chosen it shows TheExperiment runs for … cycles.On the right hand side the duration for one timepoint is shown.There are different advanced tools (only availablein Show all mode) including− Interval Time− Marker− Start− EndFor the Lightsheet Z.1 system, Trigger In or TriggerOut signals are not supported. All settings withinthese advanced tools must be activated andchanged manually.Fig. 97 Time Series tool – Validate Speedprogress barFig. 98 Time Series tool – showing theexperiment time