CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Lightsheet Z.186 000000-1790-528 02/20133.3.2 Processing – Maximum Intensity ProjectionLicensing Instrument standard optional LSM ELYRA Lightsheet Z.1Tool accepts Z-Stacks and time series (incl. combinations with several otherdimensions). See full description of tool for details.The Maximum Intensity Projection functiongenerates a maximum intensity projection imagealong the z-, time- or channel dimension of amultidimensional image data set (Fig. 128).• To open the Maximum Intensity ProjectionProcessing tool, select it from the list in theProcessing main tab.• Click on the triangle buttons to show or hidethe Method Parameters and Preview panelsof the function.• Select the Input Image with the Select buttonand choose the dimension along which youwant to generate a maximum intensityprojection from the Coordinate pull downmenu (z, time, channel) in the Settings panel.• Clicking the Apply button creates themaximum intensity projection as a new imagedocument using the name shown in the Outputimage display for the Select field.The maximum intensity projection creates anoutput image whose pixels contain the maximumvalue over all images in the stack at the particularpixel location.Fig. 128 Processing – Maximum IntensityProjection