CHAPTER 1 - HARDWARECarl Zeiss User Interfaces Lightsheet Z.138 000000-1790-528 02/2013Make sure that the temperature inside the sample chamber is in accordance with the desiredtemperature value required for the experiment. The ZEN software displays the temperature of theheating block itself and does not register the actual temperature in the sample chamber that canbe lower (due thermal loss) or higher.• To assemble the heating block to the sample chamber remove first of all the sample chamber dove tailslide from the assembled sample chamber (Fig. 1, section 3.3.2 Assembly of the Sample ChamberBody and the Sample Chamber Dove Tail Slide).• Take the heating block and screw it onto the bottom of sample chamber body following theinstructions of the individual component manuals from PeCon.• The sample chamber body can now be assembled together with the sample chamber dove tail slide(Fig. 1, section 3.3.2).• Insert the sample chamber as described in chapter 2.4 and plug in the 8 pin connector of theconnection cable into the right side of the front system cavity / sample room following the individualcomponent manuals from PeCon (Fig. 32/6) shows the connection exemplary for the Peltier Block S).(2) Peltier Block S is part of the TempModule CZ-LSFM. The Peltier Block helps adjust the samplechamber temperature by heating or cooling the sample chamber within the range of 10 °C to 42 °C (upto 1.5°/min heating, up to 1.0°/min cooling). The temperature inside the sample chamber is monitored bya temperature sensor (Fig. 23/1; Fig. 32/3). For insertion of the temperature sensor in the samplechamber refer to section 3.3.4 Insertion of Accessories for Incubation).The TempModule CZ-LSFM contains a water based coolant reservoir. For safety reasons (Risk ofelectrical shock as a result of leakage) the unit must be placed directly on a level table and is thusthe base for all other incubation related modules (Fig. 31).− Connect the TempModule S, the TempModule CZ-LSFM, the Lightsheet Z.1 and the Peltier Blockaccording to the individual component manuals from PeCon.− To assemble the Peltier Block to the sample chamber remove first of all the sample chamber dovetail slide from the assembled sample chamber (section 3.3.2; Fig. 21).− Take the Peltier Block and screw it onto the bottom of sample chamber body following theinstructions of the individual component manuals from PeCon.− The sample chamber body can now be assembled together with the sample chamber dove tail slide(Fig. 21) and insert it into the Lightsheet Z.1 as described (section 3.3.2 ).− Insert the accessories for incubation (temperature sensor, cover recommended) into the samplechamber (section 3.3.4, Fig. 23, Fig. 24).− Connect the Peltier Block (Fig. 32/6) to the Lightsheet Z.1 by the two provided silicone tubes(Fig. 32/7-8) and plug in the 8 pin connector of the connection cable into the right side of the frontsystem cavity / sample room (Fig. 32). For proper electrical connections and tube connections followthe instructions of the PeCon manual.