CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Center Screen Area / Image Containers - Display and Image Analysis Lightsheet Z.1218 000000-1790-528 02/20134.8.10 Interactive Measurements3D VisArt features three tools for interactive measurements in Euclidian space. Measurements can beperformed in all graphic-card accelerated modes (Transparency, Surface, Maximum, and Mixed). Themeasured tools are shown as shapes in the rendered volume and can be changed here interactively.Measurement values can be exported as a table to the clipboard for downstream processing in otherprograms.First, a suitable tool has to be chosen. In order for measurements to work, the mouse cursor must"recognize" a structure. In the Surface mode this is a uniquely identifiable surface structure, for thetransparent modes the tools look for the highest local gray level maximum.As a sign, that the mouse cursor has "found" a structure, the cursor shape changes from into .The found measurement point is drawn as a blue circle .Interactive 3D-MeasurementThe measurement dialog contains a toolbar withthe available measurement tools.The Line tool measures the length along a line inμm. First, click on a starting point and move themouse to the desired end point while keeping theleft mouse key depressed. The measurement isconcluded upon releasing the left mouse key.The Angle measurement tool defines an angle between two connected line segments. First define thestarting point by clicking, and then draw the first line segment until you click on the first endpoint. Nowdraw the second line segment and conclude the measurement by clicking onto the second end point.This measures the angle in degree.The Curve tool measures the total length (μm) along a variable multi-segmented polygon line. Pleaseclick from point to point and finish the measurement by clicking with the right mouse key.Measurement values are compiled in a list. In order to delete a measurement, select it in the list and pressthe Remove button. One can also delete all measurements by clicking on Remove all.The measurements can be copied into the clipboard with the Copy button.Measurements are only transiently drawn into the volume and are not stored automatically with theimage.Fig. 329 3D Measurement View control block