CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Lightsheet Z.1150 000000-1790-528 02/2013You can select the following Pre-Registration Methods from the drop down menu:None: no Pre-Registration is performed. Registration is then only done with the settings chosen in theRegistration Method menu.Translation: The Views are only moved along x, y, and z axis.Trans Rotation X:The Views are moved along the x, y, and z axis as well as rotated around the x axis ofthe image.Trans Rotation Y: The Views are moved along the x, y, and z axis as well as rotated around the y axis ofthe image.Trans Rotation XY: The Views are moved along the x, y, and z axis as well as rotated around the x and yaxis of the image.Hardware Rotation: The Views are rotated solely based on the information from the rotationpositioning of the sample holder which are saved in the metadata.Trans Hardware Rotation: The Views are rotated solely based on the information from the rotationpositioning of the sample holder which are saved in the metadata. Additionally the x, y, and z axis aremoved to match the Views.Correlation Hardware Rotation: The Views are rotated solely based on the information from therotation positioning of the sample holder which are saved in the metadata. Additionally the x, y, and zaxis are moved to match the Views. Cross-correlation is used to determine the translation in x, y, and z.To select the Registration Method, use the drop-down menu.Use Pre Register Only: No Registration process is performed; only the result of the Pre-Registration isused.Translation: The registration will correct along the x, y, and z axis only.Trans Rotation X: The registration will correct along the x, y, and z axis and also the rotation along x.Trans Rotation Y: The registration will correct along the x, y, and z axis and also the rotation along y.Trans Rotation: The registration will correct along the x, y, and z axis and also the rotation along xand y.The Interpolation function is the technique by which the pixels from the different views are relocatedinto the new registered image. With the drop-down menu, you can choose between NearestNeighbour, Linear, or Cubic algorithm for this task.If your data was acquired with dual side illumination which has not yet been fused, the method to fuseboth illumination sides is available in the Dual Side Fusion drop-down menu (Mean Fusion, DFTFusion).Mean Fusion: The average intensity for each pixel is calculated using the values from both illuminationsides.DFT Fusion (Discrete Fourier Transform Fusion): The Fusion is performed based upon the publishedmethod ("Multiple imaging axis microscopy improves resolution for thick-sample applications", JimSwoger, Jan Huisken, and Ernst H. K. Stelzer, OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 28, No. 18 / September 15, 2003).Fine structures and details are more visible after fusion, which might be worsened when using MeanFusion. However, this process can create noticeable artifacts in the resulting image.