CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Lightsheet Z.1166 000000-1790-528 02/20133.4.1.4 Remove ObjectiveThis function allows removing objectives from theUser Defined Objective database (Fig. 258).Expand the User Defined Objective directory andhighlight the objective you want to delete.Press the Remove Objective button in order todelete the selected objective. Note that the RemoveObjective button only becomes available if anobjective from the user Defined Objectives directorywas chosen. You will be prompted to confirm thedeletion of the objective by the Delete Objectivepop up window (Fig. 259). Press Yes to delete theobjective, No to keep it in the database, or Cancel toabort the process. Show/Edit ObjectiveThis function allows viewing the parameters of anobjective from all objective directories. Editing theparameters is only possible for the User DefinedObjective database (Fig. 260).Expand the Favorite Objective, User DefinedObjective, or Potential Objective directory andhighlight the objective you want to view. This willopen the View tab.In case of an objective listed in User DefinedObjective directory, parameters can be edited withinthe display boxes (those parameters not to be editedwill be greyed out) or the drop down menus. Pressthe Apply Edit button (only available for user definedObjectives) to make the changes take effect and storethe new annotations. Illumination OpticsPress the Illumination Optics tab to have access tothe Illumination Optics definition window.Press the Objective icon to have access to the ChangeObjective expansion window for the respectiveobjective with the following functions:− Add Objective− Show/Edit Objective− Remove Objective− Select Objective.Please see details in section DetectionOptics.Fig. 258 Remove objectiveFig. 259 Delete objective windowFig. 260 Show/Edit objective