CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONLightsheet Z.1 Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Carl Zeiss02/2013 000000-1790-528 1533.3.18 Processing – CopyLicensing Instrument standard optional LSM ELYRA Lightsheet Z.1Tool accepts all types of image data as input. See full description of tool set fordetails.The Copy function provides means to copy orduplicate images.Copy Channel (Fig. 238) produces a copy of theselected image.The first Select button in the selection panelselects the active image in the Image Display asInput Image. The Channel selection pull downmenu specifies which channel to copy.The second Select button is used to choose adestination image if the copied channel is to beadded to an existing image document. In thesecond Channel selection pull down menu thedestination channel is specified – or a new imagedocument can be chosen as destination.Pressing Apply starts the copy process.For Z-Stacks or Time Series, the entire seriesfor the selected channel is copied.DuplicationDuplication creates a new image document whichis a duplicate of the selected input image.Delete ImageSingle images or series of images can be deletedfrom the selected image series (input image)acquired as time series or Z-Stacks or combinationsof those.The Select button selects the active image in theImage Display as the Input Image to be pro-cessed.In the tool-specific settings panel, the parametersfor the interpolation procedure are set.Fig. 238 Processing – Copy