CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONCarl Zeiss Left Tool Area and Hardware Control Tools Lightsheet Z.174 000000-1790-528 02/2013The Info window pops up (Fig. 109).Press Yes to delete the configuration, No to keepthe configuration.To save a marker configuration press the Savebutton (symbolized by the disc icon).This opens the Save current markerconfiguration as panel (Fig. 110).Type in an appropriate name into theConfiguration field and press Ok to save theconfiguration into the data base or press Cancel toabort the process.When the image series is stored, all the markers,including the time indication and the comments,are stored along with the image contents.The markers visible in the image series have different colors with the following meaning:− red: manually set marker with time indication and comments− blue: automatically set marker with change of interval3.2.11.3 StartExpand the Start field by clicking thetriangle (Fig. 111).In the Mode drop down menu (Fig. 112)you can select the way the acquisition istriggered. You have the choice betweenManual and Time.If Manual is selected, the acquisition of atime series is started using the StartExperiment action button.If Time is selected the hh (hour), min(minute) and sec (second) input boxesbecome available (Fig. 113), in which thehours, minutes and seconds can beedited. After pressing Start Experimentbutton, the system will display themessage Waiting for Start Time andstarts acquisition after the definedcomputer time has been reached.Fig. 109 Delete information windowFig. 110 Save current markerconfiguration as windowFig. 111 Start fieldFig. 112 Start Mode drop down menuFig. 113 Start Mode drop down menu – Time selected