CHAPTER 4 - SYSTEM OPERATIONLightsheet Z.1 Center Screen Area / Image Containers - Display and Image Analysis Carl Zeiss02/2013 000000-1790-528 2074.8.2 Transparency Render ModePrinciple:In the Transparent mode, a three-dimensionalimage with a transparent effect is calculated. Atleast two two-dimensional texture stacks(computed from two different angles) are useddepending on the volume orientation. In contrastto the Shadow mode, the scene here is illuminatedby diffuse white light from the rear. By changingthe available parameters, one can mix differentchannels and reveal relationships betweeninformation in those channels. This view isparticularly useful for visualizing the three-dimensional relationships between structureswithin the volume. This mode can be displayedboth in CPU based Voxel mode (Basic) and also(with the help of a suitable graphics card) withaccelerated calculations in so-called OpenGL mode(Advanced).Basic Transparency rendering (voxel based) (CPU)Advanced Transparency rendering (voxel based) with textures (GPU)Fig. 309 3D View Control Panel, TransparentFig. 310 Image Display window, 3D display, Transparency projection, Advanced