O-ringsThe following procedure describes how to fit o-rings.NoteActionEnsure that the correct o-ring size is used.1Defective o-rings, including damagedor deformed o-rings, may not be used.Check the o-ring for surface defects, burrs,shape accuracy, or deformation.2Check the o-ring grooves and mating surfaces.3They should be free of pores, contaminationand obvious scratches/damage.Lubricate the o-ring with grease.4Tighten the screws evenly while assembling.5Check that the o-ring is not squashed outsidethe o-ring groove.6184 Product manual - IRB 67103HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.2.3 Mounting instructions for sealingsContinued