NoteActionPerson 1, working at the side hole:Remove the cable harness out from thewrist.TipThis step is best performed by two personsworking together:• Person 1: Put one hand inside theside hole and take a hold of thecable harness.• Person 2: Take a hold on the cableharness inside the wrist.• Together: Move the cable harnesspast the axis-5 motor and into thearm tube.8xx2300000035Person 2, working at the wrist:xx2300000036Person 1, working at the side hole:Remove the cable harness out of the armtube, at the back of the upper arm.TipThis step is best performed by two personsworking together:• Person 1: Put one hand inside theside hole and take a hold of thecable harness.• Person 2: Take a hold on the cableharness at the back of the robot.• Together: Move the cable harnessout of the arm tube.9xx2300000037Person 2, working at the back:NoteTo be able to remove the cable harnesswith the DressPack tube fitted, the tubeneeds to be pulled out a little, then beplaced on the lower left side in the arm tubeand the bracket of the cable harness thenneeds to be placed on the upper right handside.xx2300000038Continues on next pageProduct manual - IRB 6710 5333HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.8.3 Replacing the axis-3 gearboxContinued