8.4 Decommissioning of balancing deviceGeneralThere is much energy stored in the balancing device. Therefore a special procedureis required to disassemble it. The coil springs inside the balancing device exert apotentially lethal force unless disassembled properly.The device must be disassembled by a decommissioning company.Required equipmentNoteArticle num-berEquipmentContent is defined in section Standardtoolkit on page 628.-Standard toolkitMust protect against spatter of sparksand flames.-Protective clothing that also coversface and handsFor opening housing and cutting coils.The long shaft is a safety requirement.-Cutting torch with a long shaftThese procedures include referencesto the tools required.Other tools and procedures may berequired. See references to theseprocedures in the step-by-step in-structions below.DANGERDo not, under any circumstances, deal with the balancing device in any otherway than that detailed in the product documentation! For example, attemptingto open the balancing device is potentially lethal!Action on field, decommissioningThe procedure below details the actions to perform on field, when the balancingdevice is to be decommissioned.NoteActionDetailed in section Replacing the balan-cing device on page 186.Remove the balancing device from the robot.1Make sure the decommissioning com-pany is well informed about the storedenergy built up by high tensioned com-pression springs and that the devicecontains some grease.Send the device to a decommissioningcompany.2The following procedure contains usefulinformation about decommissioning.Continues on next pageProduct manual - IRB 6710 6193HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.8 Decommissioning8.4 Decommissioning of balancing device