NoteActionBits extender: 3HAC12342-1Remove the two lower screws.4xx2000000468Use a bits extender in order to reach thescrews.Guide pin, M10x150: 3HAC15521-2Fit a guide pin in the non-threaded hole.5Removal tool motor M12: 3HAC14631-1Fit a removal tool in the threaded hole.TipLubricate the guide pins with some greaseto make the motor slide better.xx2000000456Bits extender: 3HAC12342-1Remove the remaining two screws.6xx2200001150Continues on next page492 Product manual - IRB 67103HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.8.2 Replacing the axis-2 gearboxContinued