6.6 Checking the synchronization positionIntroductionCheck the synchronization position of the robot before beginning any programmingof the robot system. This may be done:• Using a MoveAbsJ instruction with argument zero on all axes.• Using the Jog window on the FlexPendant.Using a MoveAbsJ instructionUse this procedure to create a program that runs all the robot axes to theirsynchronization position.NoteActionTap Code.1Create a new program.2Use MoveAbsJ in the Add Instruction menu.3Create the following program:MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9]]\NoEOffs, v1000, fine, tool04Run the program in manual mode.5See Synchronization marks andsynchronization position for axes onpage 589 and Updating revolutioncounters on page 592.Check that the synchronization marks for the axesalign correctly. If they do not, update the revolu-tion counters.6Using the jogging windowUse this procedure to jog the robot to the synchronization position of all axes.NoteActionTap Jog.1From the Mechanical unit list select amechanical unit.2From the Motion mode section, select anaxis-set that need to be jogged.3For example, to jog axis 2, select the axisset Axis 1-3.Follow the screen instruction on joystickmovements to understand the direction ofthe axis that you want to move and movethe joystick.4Manually run the robots axes to a positionwhere the axis position value read on theFlexPendant, is equal to zero.5See Synchronization marks and synchron-ization position for axes on page 589 andUpdating revolution counters on page 592.Check that the synchronization marks forthe axes align correctly. If they do not, up-date the revolution counters.6608 Product manual - IRB 67103HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.6 Calibration6.6 Checking the synchronization position