NoteActionGuide pin, M12x150 / Guide pin, M12x200:3HAC13056-2 / 3HAC13056-3Fit two guide pins in opposite holes.TipUse different lengths on the guide pins tosimplify guidance.2Always use guide pins in pairs.xx2000000466TipLubricate the guide pins with some greaseto make the gearbox slide better.xx2100002414Lift the gearbox and let it rest on the guidepins.CAUTIONUse stoppers on the guide pins.3Remove the lifting accessory.DANGERThere is a risk that the gearbox may glideout and fall down if it is too far out to on theguide pins and no stoppers are used.4Continues on next page500 Product manual - IRB 67103HAC085695-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.8.2 Replacing the axis-2 gearboxContinued