Glossary-2Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI Cards User’s Guidecheck pointA feature that enables you to exit the SCSISelect utility when anoperation is in progress and be able to continue withoutinterruption. The driver then resumes the operation from wherethe BIOS left off and the BIOS resumes the operation where thedriver left off.critical arrayAn array that is still operational, but is no longer maintainingredundant data.DdiscoveryThe process by which information about a system or subsystem isobtained.diskSee hard disk.disk IDConsists of the bus number, SCSI ID, and LUN, for example, 1:04:0.See also bus; LUN; SCSI lightAn indicator light on a disk that illuminates during read or writeoperations.EenclosureA physical housing for hard disks, which can be connectedinternally or externally to a computer. An enclosure usuallycontains one or more power supplies, fans, and temperaturesensors.enclosure IDConsists of the bus number, SCSI ID, and LUN, for example, 1:04:0.See also bus; LUN; SCSI ID.enclosure management deviceSee enclosure.