Central Site Remote Access Switch 121C ONFIGURING RESOURCES AND L INESLinescare that the idle character is set to a value that the receiving device will understand. Forexample, CISCO devices require the flag data line idle character.C ONFIGURING C HANGES FOR A COMMPORT R ESOURCE1. Select Change from the Data Lines menu of Physical Resources.2. Select ASYNCDMPORT.3. You will be prompted to accept the default or provide new information for the following:a. baud rateb. data bitsc. stop bitsd. parity valuee. flow control typef. mode:• Autosense (default): can be either terminal or PPP-async. Requires user interaction(four carriage returns) to get to terminal mode.• Term: terminal mode only. Login prompt automatically sent to remote console.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSlineDisplays the current line configuration.datalinkDisplay the current data link configuration.datalink addAllows you to add a data link. The following sample screen shows how a data link is added.datalink changeChanges an existing data link.Current LINE Configuration:id LINE NAME TYPE SLOT PORT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LINE.BASICRATE1 BR_ISDN 1 12 LINE.BASICRATE2 BR_ISDN 1 23 DMS100.LINE1 BR_ISDN 2 1Select line id for new data link or press to cancel: 3Automatic TEI negotiation (Y or N) [default = Y]? NTEI value [default = 1]? Service Profile ID (enter 0 for no SPID)[default = NO SPID]? 13135551212Directory number [default = 13135551212]? 5551212Number of digits to verify [default = 7]? The DATALINK configuration has been updated successfully.