USER’S GUIDE496 CyberSWITCH[DHCP-P] Ignoring offers from DHCP server x.x.x.x; the server MUST be on a primary LAN interface, orIP addresses will not be obtainedIn order for the DHCP proxy client to successfully obtain IP addresses for multiple interfaces, theDHCP server must reside on a primary LAN interface. If it does not, this message is written to theReport Log, and no IP addresses will be obtained from the server and placed into the IP AddressPool. To correct, use CFGEDIT to change the DHCP server’s interface from a secondary interfaceinto a primary interface for that LAN port.[DHCP-P] Invalid DHCP Server LAN port encountered in configuration; NIF entry not activatedThis message appears when the DHCP Proxy Client encounters an invalid configuration setting foran IP network interface’s LAN port on which the DHCP server is to be reached. This will result inno IP addresses being obtained for the network interface in question. Contact your Distributor orCustomer Support.[DHCP-P] Proxy Client disabledThis message indicates that the DHCP Proxy Client has been successfully disabled. This messagewill appear after the DHCP Proxy Client has been disabled from Manage Mode.[DHCP-P] Proxy Client enabledThis message will appear whenever the DHCP Proxy Client has been successfully enabled. Thiscould be during system initialization (if configuration values have enabled it), or after the DHCPProxy Client has been enabled from Manage Mode.[DHCP-P] Proxy Client initialization failedThis message indicates that the DHCP Proxy Client did not initialize successfully. The DHCP ProxyClient will not be operational. Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.[DHCP-P] UDP port (67) closedThe DHCP Proxy Client is being disabled from Manage Mode and it must close the BOOTPS UDPport (port 67). If the DHCP Relay Agent is enabled, the BOOTPS port must remain open. If this isthe case, the DHCP Proxy Client will not close the UDP port.[DHCP-P] UDP port (67) openedThe DHCP Proxy Client is being enabled and it must open the BOOTPS UDP port (port 67). Thismay occur during system initialization, or after the DHCP Proxy Client has been enabled fromManage Mode. If the DHCP Relay Agent is also enabled, it may not be necessary for the ProxyClient to open this UDP port.[DHCP-P] UDP port (68) closedThe DHCP Proxy Client is being disabled from Manage Mode and it must close the BOOTPC UDPport (port 68).[DHCP-P] UDP port (68) openedThe DHCP Proxy Client is being enabled and it must open the BOOTPC UDP port (port 68). Thismay occur during system initialization, or after the DHCP Proxy Client has been enabled fromManage Mode.[DHCP-R] Failed to allocate memory for transmit buffer poolThe system was unable to allocate memory for the DHCP Relay Agent’s transmit buffer poolduring initialization. The Relay Agent will not become operational. Contact your Distributor orCustomer Support.