VERIFYING THE BASE S YSTEMOVERVIEWThis chapter describes the verification process for the base system. It includes the verificationprocess for:• hardware resources• WAN lines• LAN connections• bridge initialization• routing initialization• remote device connectivity• multi-level security• IP Host Mode• alternate accessesTo perform the verification procedures, WAN lines must be available and ready to use. LANattachment components must also be available and ready to use.During some of the procedures, we ask you to enter an administration console command. To enterthese commands, you must have an active administration session. If you need instructions forstarting an administration session, refer to Accessing the CyberSWITCH.Note: At least one remote device is required to proceed with many of the verification procedures.H ARDWARE R ESOURCES OPERATIONAL ?WAN A DAPTER I NITIALIZED ?1. At the system prompt, enter thedr command to display current system messages. At theadministration console type:dr 2. For each WAN adapter installed, look for these WAN adapter initialization messages amongthe system messages:Bootstrap loaded on WAN card in slot , waiting for responseBootstrap came alive on WAN card in slot #>Downloading WAN card in slot #> with operational softwareWaiting for WAN card in slot #> to complete initializationWAN card in slot signals it is operationalIf you see these WAN adapter initialization messages, then the WAN adapter in the indicatedslot is operational. You may continue with the verification of the LAN adapter.3. If these WAN adapter initialization messages are NOT displayed, and you see one of thefollowing error messages, you may have a problem: