USER’S GUIDE666 CyberSWITCHchanges are NOT dynamic. The changes are saved in a temporary copy of configuration data, andwill not affect the current run-time operation of the system in any way.To terminate the session, return to the main CFGEDIT menu. Select the save changes option. Thenpress to exit.Note: This “save” process also includes all unsaved Manage Mode changes which were madeprior to the CFGEDIT session, if any.At your earliest possible convenience, reboot the system. This will then activate the newconfiguration data. It is also wise to make a copy of the new configuration files, as described earlier.M AKING CHANGES USING MANAGE M ODEIn addition to CFGEDIT, you may use the Dynamic Management feature to make certain changesto configuration. The Manage Mode consists of a series of console commands that enable you todisplay current system parameters, change many parameters dynamically, and write changes todisk files so that they remain permanent.To access Dynamic Management commands, enter the Manage Mode by typing the followingcommand at the system prompt:>manageOnce Manage Mode is active, the prompt changes from “>“to “MANAGE>“. While operating inthis mode, only Dynamic Management commands are available. All other system commands areignored until you exit Manage Mode and return to the normal system command mode. To returnto the system command mode, issue the following command:MANAGE>exitAvailable Manage Mode commands are dispersed throughout the configuration chapters. Refer tothe Manage Mode Command Table for a complete listing of Manage Mode commands.C ONFIGURATION BACKUP AND R ESTOREAfter making configuration changes, back up the new configuration, either to diskette or networkmanagement station. To accomplish this, use TFTP to copy the configuration data (\system\*.nei)from one machine to another. For more information on TFTP, refer to the Remote Managementchapter.To restore a configuration, use TFTP to transfer the configuration files back to the system. Thenrestart the system for the new configuration to take effect.OBTAINING SYSTEM C USTOM I NFORMATIONIf diskettes are included with your system, the labels affixed to the System Diskettes specifycustomized information for that copy of the system software, which may include: Version, SerialNumber, Variant, Release and Options. Once this software is installed on the system, it is possibleto obtain this information from the Administration Console when the system is running by issuingthever command at the system prompt. The customized information for the system software willthen be displayed.