USER’S GUIDE614 CyberSWITCHS ERIAL INTERFACE C OMMANDSThese commands are available only when you have a serial interface card (V.35 or RS232) properlyinstalled:ser <#> statsDisplays the current serial interface statistics for each line (V.35 or RS232) attached to the cardin the specified slot # . Refer to Serial Interface Statistics for a list and definition of these statistics.ser <#> clearClears the current serial interface statistics for each line (V.35 or RS232) attached to the card inslot # .ser <#> signalDisplays the current state of the input signals for each line (V.35 or RS232) attached to the cardin slot # . A value of 0 indicates an inactive signal, and a value of 1 indicates an active signal.SNMP C OMMANDSWhen the SNMP Agent is enabled on the CyberSWITCH, the following command is available:snmp statsDisplays the current SNMP related statistics. Refer to SNMP Statistics, for a list of availablestatistics and their definitions.S PANNING T REE C OMMANDSSpanning Tree protocol is supported only on the two port Ethernet-2 adapter card. The Ethernet-1adapter card does not support Spanning Tree protocol, but does have access to the “BRIDGE AGETIME” Spanning Tree Information.When Spanning Tree protocol is enabled on the CyberSWITCH, the following commands areavailable:br stpport #>Displays Spanning Tree port information for the specified port number (either “1” or “2”).br stpbrdgDisplays Spanning Tree bridge information.SPANNING T REE PORT INFORMATIONWhen Spanning Tree protocol is enabled on the CyberSWITCH, the following Spanning Tree PortInformation is available for each LAN port on the system. This information is generated by issuingthebr stpport #> Spanning Tree command.Port PriorityThe configured priority for this port. PreviousNext |