USER’S GUIDE400 CyberSWITCHU SING M ANAGE M ODElineprotDisplays the current default line protocol configuration.lineprot changeAllows you to change the default line protocol configuration. For the configuration steps, referto the previous CFGEDIT section.DEFAULT L INE PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSA CTION ON F RAME TIMEOUTThe action to be taken if no frame is received before the configured frame timeout value hasexpired. The default value is to disconnect the call. The complete list of choices is as follows:• Disconnect• Use HDLC Bridge Protocol• Use IP Host Protocol (RFC 1294)• Use PPP ProtocolFRAME TIMEOUT VALUEThe time limit to wait to receive a packet. The default frame timeout value is 30 seconds. Thepossible range is from 5 to 60 seconds.DEFAULT L INE PROTOCOL BACKGROUND INFORMATIONWhen a connection occurs, the system waits for a packet to arrive, and from that packet, itdetermines the protocol type. After a default frame timeout value of 30 seconds, if no packet isreceived, the default action on frame timeout is to disconnect the call.It is possible to change the timeout value for waiting for responses. You may also change the actionon frame timeout. Instead of disconnecting after the frame timeout value has been reached, you canselect a default protocol for the system to use.LOG O PTIONSLog options allow you to direct log reports (call detail recording, system message reports, orauthentication message reports) to a specific location. Reports can be directed to a local log file, orto a UNIX-style Syslog Server.CONFIGURING L OG O PTIONSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Log Options from the Options menu. A menu similar to the following will be displayed: