CONFIGURING OTHER ADVANCED OPTIONSOVERVIEWThis chapter provides information for configuring advanced system options that are not covered inthe previous chapters. These options include:• configuring for a Digital Modem• configuring default async protocol• configuring PPP• configuring default line protocol• configuring log options• configuring system compression options• configuring TFTP• configuring file attributesT HE D IGITAL M ODEMIn addition to ISDN support, the CyberSWITCH becomes an analog modem pool through itsDigital Modem feature. The Digital Modem feature consists of both hardware and softwareelements to support up to 30 K56Flex modems (handling 300 bps to 56 Kbps) on a single adapter.This adapter is connected to an ISDN BRI or PRI adapter via an intercard bus. This Digital Modemadapter performs the modulation or demodulation and Async-Sync conversions, as necessary. Thesystem then sends the data to the LAN.The Digital Modem feature allows the system to accommodate both incoming and outgoing analogcalls (i.e., it can receive and initiate connections). The feature conforms to the V.90 standard (whichsupports K56Flex), and will support connections from remote modems that also conform to thissame standard.CONFIGURING FOR A DIGITAL MODEMU SING CFGEDIT1. Configure basic system configuration, including the configuration of resources and lines (SeeConfiguring Resources). Note that when you configure the Digital Modem resource, you mustspecify whether the resource is a DM-8, DM-24, or a DM-30. You do not need to distinguishbetween V.34+ and K56Flex modems; the CyberSWITCH will do this internally.2. Select and configure protocol. The digital modem may use:• IP Routing• IPX Routing• AppleTalkFor IP routing:a. Make sure IP routing is enabled.b. Configure the LAN interface to represent local IP Network that may receive and senddatagrams (refer to the Configuring Interfaces in the Configuring Basic IP Routing chapter).c. Configure the WAN or WAN Direct Host interface to represent remote networks that mayreceive and/or initiate calls (refer to the Configuring Interfaces in the Configuring Basic IP