Central Site Remote Access Switch 437VERIFYING ROUTING P ROTOCOLSIP Routing Operational?1. Determine if a remote IP host can access the CyberSWITCH over the WAN connection. On theremote IP host type:ping If the remote IP host successfully pings to the CyberSWITCH, continue with the step 3.2. If the remote IP host CANNOT ping to the CyberSWITCH, try the following:a. Verify that the WAN connection is up. Use themc console command to check for theconnection. If the connection is NOT up, refer to Remote Device Connectivity.b. Verify that the WAN (Direct Host) interface is properly initialized. Use theipnetifcommand (a Manage Mode command) to check for the proper WAN (Direct Host)interface. If the interface does NOT exist, use CFGEDIT to make correctionsc. Verify that the subnet mask information and the IP address for the Remote Host matchesthe IP Host configuration.3. Determine if a remote IP host can access the local IP host through the CyberSWITCH over theWAN connection. On the remote IP host type:ping If the remote IP host successfully pings to the local IP host, then IP routing over WAN (DirectHost) interface is operational. Repeat the above steps for each WAN (Direct Host) interface youwish to access.4. If the remote IP host CANNOT ping to the local IP host, try the following:Verify that the remote IP Host can access the LAN interface of the CyberSWITCH, since theremote IP Host connected to a WAN (Direct Host) interface should be recognized as if it werelocated on the local Ethernet. Refer to the Verifying IP Routing Over a LAN Interface section formore information. A100.0.0.2Host B100.0.0.3ISDNCSX5500