USER’S GUIDE652 CyberSWITCHIfStatRcvBadRoutesThe number of routes, in valid RIP packets, which were ignored for any reason. Example reasonsinclude: an unknown address family, or an invalid metric.IfStatRcvRequestsThe number of RIP messages with ‘request’ command code received on this interface.IfStatRcvResponsesThe number of RIP messages with ‘response’ command code received on this interface.IfStatSentRequestsThe number of RIP messages with ‘request’ command code sent on this interface.IfStatSentResponsesThe number of RIP messages with ‘response’ command code sent on this interface.IfStatSentUpdatesThe number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface. This explicitly does NOTinclude full updates sent containing new information.S ERIAL INTERFACE S TATISTICSAccess these statistics by using the ser <# > stats command:frames sentNumber of frames successfully sent over a serial interface line.frames receivedNumber of frames successfully received over a serial interface line.transmit errorsNumber of errors that occurred while sending a frame over a serial interface line.receive errorsNumber of errors that occurred while receiving a frame from a serial interface line.SNMP S TATISTICSIf the SNMP Agent is enabled, you can access SNMP statistics by using thesnmp statscommand. Each of the following statistics are counters that refer to an MIB-2 SNMP group object.snmpInPktsThe total number of messages delivered to the SNMP Agent from the transport service.snmpOutPktsThe total number of SNMP messages that were passed from the SNMP Agent to the transportservice.