Central Site Remote Access Switch 191CONFIGURING D EVICE L EVEL DATABASESOn-node Device EntriesU SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSdeviceDisplays the current Device Table. Included in this display is each device’s ID and name. Afterthe list has been displayed, you may enter a specific device Id to display detailed informationfor that device.device addAllows you to add a device entry to the Device Table. You will be prompted for the devicename and device type. The rest of the information you will be prompted for will depend uponthe device type you are configuring, and the security options that are enabled. Note that thedevice name is case sensitive. You are prompted for the device information similarly to the wayyou are prompted by CFGEDIT. Refer to the above section, Using CFGEDIT for instructions.device changeAllows you to change information for a specific device entry. The current device table will bedisplayed. Enter the device Id or device name of the entry you wish to change. Note that thedevice name is case sensitive. Step through the configuration information displayed for thedevice, pressing if you wish to keep the originally configured information, andentering new information where you want it changed. For a definition of the configurationelements, refer to the section, On-node Device Database Configuration Elements.device deleteAllows you to delete a device entry for a specific device. The current device table will bedisplayed. Enter the device Id or device name of the device whose device entry you wish todelete. Note that the device name is case sensitive.O N -NODE DEVICE D ATABASE CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSG ENERAL CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSDEVICE NAMEA 1 to 63-character, user-defined case-sensitive name that uniquely identifies the device to thesystem administrator. The name may contain any displayable ASCII character except the quote “”character. This name is displayed on the connection monitor window when the device connects tothe system.ISDN C ONFIGURATION ELEMENTSNote: These elements are configured for ISDN devices and devices over dedicated connectionsonly.ISDN LINE PROTOCOLThe available line protocols for ISDN access devices. Possible line protocols include:• PPPPoint-to-point protocol. Allows device to use TCP/IP. The default configuration value.• HDLC BridgeHDLC encapsulated bridge frames are used to connect the system to remote bridges. It is thesimplest line protocol, using a standard HDLC frame.