Central Site Remote Access Switch 551T RACE M ESSAGESIP Filters Trace MessagesIP F ILTERS T RACE MESSAGESYou can trace packets that are discarded as a result of IP Filters. Enable this feature by using theipfilter trace discard command, and disable it withip filter trace off. Note thatwhen you enable this feature, the report log has the potential of filling quickly. Use the featurewisely, and be sure to turn it off once you’ve completed your troubleshooting. Access the discardedpacket information via the report log by using thedr command.Each discarded packet will cause a log report of the following format:(F) _:_:_:_:# 9a00 [IPFILT] /condition # at /in/out{IP} Src: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Dst: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Pr: n{UDP} Src: n Dst: nThe first line indicates:• the number of the condition within that filter which matched the packet and consequentlycaused a discard action,• the point at which the filter was applied, or a designation of global. For an IP network interface,this will be the configured name of the interface. For a device-based filter, this will be the con-figured device’s name.• In or Out, corresponding to INPUT or OUTPUT application.The next lines contain a brief decode of the packet which was discarded. In particular, the packetfields which comprise the packet type comparisons are displayed. The key IP fields are alwaysdisplayed on one line. If the IP protocol is one of the explicitly recognized values (ICMP, UDP,TCP), the next line will contain a decode of the key fields of that protocol.Sample IP Filter Trace Discard logs:(I) 10:11:50.43 # 9A00: [IPFILT] UDP/1 at Intf. lan/Out(I) 10:11:50.43 # 9A00: {IP} Src: Dst: Pr:17(I) 10:11:50.43 # 9A00: {UDP} Src: 5001 Dst: 69• Filter UDP, condition 1, applied at interface lan’s OUTPUT(I) 10:11:50.71 # 9A00: [IPFILT] ICMP/1 at Global(I) 10:11:50.71 # 9A00: {IP} Src: Dst: Pr:1(I) 10:11:50.71 # 9A00: {ICMP} Code: 8 Type: 0• Filter ICMP, condition 1, applied globally PreviousNext |