USER’S GUIDE642 CyberSWITCHNOT READYThe PVC state entered when the PVC has been marked unavailable by the network via aSTATUS message, an alarm condition, or failure of the LMI link.NETWORK OUTAGEThe PVC state entered when the PVC has been marked unavailable. This follows thereceipt of a CLLM message indicating a network failure has occurred.# PVC activationsThe number of times the PVC has been marked available for use, or “up”.# PVC deactivationsThe number of times the PVC has been marked unavailable for use, or “down”.# Frames receivedThe total number of frames received on the PVC.# Bytes receivedThe total number of bytes received on the PVC.# Frames sentThe total number of frames sent on the PVC.# Bytes sentThe total number of bytes sent on the PVC.# Flow Control EventsThe number of times the PVC was congested due to busy transmit hardware.# No registered deviceThe number of times a frame is received on a PVC which is configured, but not associated with anyFrame Relay Service Device.Current receive rateThe currently enforced receive data rate, taking into account congestion.Current transmit rateThe currently enforced transmit data rate, taking into account congestion.LAN S TATISTICSYou can access LAN statistics by issuing thelan stats console command.pkts rcvdThe total number of packets received on the LAN port.rcv overrunsThe number of frames known to be lost because the local system bus was not available. If the trafficproblem persists for more than one frame, the frames that follow the first are also lost; however,because there is no lost frame indicator they are not counted.