Central Site Remote Access Switch 431V ERIFYING THE B ASE SYSTEMAlternate Accesses5. Display the system log (dr command). If the feature is operational, some frames similar to thefollowing will be displayed:(I) 16:28:49.71 #C021: Conn=001 OUT-PPP:LCP ECHO REQ Id=0x50 Len=10(I) 16:28:49.71 #0000: 3E 03 78 AC(I) 16:28:49.76 #C021: Conn=001 IN -PPP:LCP ECHO RPLY Id=0x50 Len=10(I) 16:28:49.76 #0000: 70 18 D0 87(I) 16:28:59.82 #C021: Conn=001 OUT-PPP:LCP ECHO REQ Id=0x51 Len=10(I) 16:28:59.82 #0000: 3E 03 78 AC(I) 16:28:59.82 #C021: Conn=001 IN -PPP:LCP ECHO RPLY Id=0x51 Len=10(I) 16:28:59.82 #0000: 70 18 D0 876. To determine if the feature detects a failure:a. Set up two systems in a back-to-back, dedicated, BRI scenario where at least one of thesystems is a PC-Platform. Configure a dedicated access between the 2 systems.With the a PC-based platform, layer 1 of a BRI board stays active even when you exit thesoftware. This gives us a way to simulate an end-to-end B-channel failure. That is, the onlyremaining way for the other system to detect the error is via the Link Failure Detectionmechanism. (There are no D-channel failures or Layer 1 failures).b. On the non-PC system (or either of the two if both are PC-platforms), make sure that LinkFailure Detection is enabled. Go to themc screen to make sure that the dedicatedconnection is up.c. On the PC-platform system, enter thequit command.d. On the non-PC system wait for approximately the amount time of the echo frequencymultiplied by the maximum attempts. At this time, the feature should detect the failure,and themc screen should remove the dedicated connection.e. Check the log for the message which indicates that a link failure has been detected.f. If there is a failure, refer to WAN Line Availability for corrective actions.X.25 C ONNECTIONSTo verify an X.25 to the CyberSWITCH, the WAN lines that are connected to the System must beavailable for use, and the routing option must be properly initialized.1. Enter thex25 stats command at the administration console. If the statistics display appears,the X.25 subsystem should be operational.2. If the message: No X.25 Accesses configured is displayed, verify your configuration.Using CFGEDIT, verify that the proper line and port have been selected. If you are still havingproblems, try the following:a. Enter theer command to erase the report log.b. Enter thetrace lapb on command.