Central Site Remote Access Switch 423V ERIFYING THE B ASE SYSTEMBridge Initialized?This command will display a message similar to the following:LAN port 1 Transmit was successfulIf the system displays this message, then the test packet was transmitted correctly.3. If you receive the message:LAN port 1 Transmit was not successfulTry the following to correct the problem:a. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly connected to the CyberSWITCH.b. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly terminated.(Test: Can any other machine transmit data successfully onto this LAN?)c. If the problem is still not resolved, contact Customer Support.B RIDGE INITIALIZED?1. Determine if the bridge is in the forwarding state by viewing the system messages. At theadministration console type:dr 2. Thedr command displays the current system messages. Look for the following LAN adaptermessages among the system messages:LAN Port #> is now in the LISTENING stateLAN Port #> is now in the LEARNING stateLAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING stateNote: Other messages may also be displayed with these LAN messages.If you see these bridge initialization messages, then bridging is operational.3. If these messages are NOT displayed, try the following:a. Make sure the LAN Adapter has initialized correctly.b. Check the configuration to verify the bridge is enabled.IP R OUTER INITIALIZED?1. View the system messages. At the administration console type:dr 2. Look for the following IP message among the system messages:[IP] IP router is initialized successfully3. For each IP interface that has been configured, the following interface initialization messageshould be displayed among the system messages.[IP] Network initialized successfully on ddd.ddd.ddd.dddNote: Other messages may also be displayed with the IP router initialization messages.If you see these IP router initialization messages, then the IP router is operational. PreviousNext |