VERIFYING SYSTEM OPTIONSOVERVIEWThis chapter describes the verification process for various system options. It includes theverification process for:• SNMP• Dial Out• Call Detail Recording• Compression• Reserved Bandwidth• DHCP Relay Agent and Proxy Client• Semipermanent connections• D Channel Callback• Modem Callback• Proxy ARPTo perform the verification procedures, WAN lines must be available and ready to use. LANattachment components must also be available and ready to use.During some of the procedures, we ask you to enter an administration console command. To enterthese commands, you must have an active administration session. If you need instructions forstarting an administration session, refer to Accessing the CyberSWITCH.Note: At least one remote device is required to proceed with many of the verification procedures.SNMP1. To verify that the SNMP feature is operational, enter thesnmp stats command at theadministration console. If the statistics display appears, the SNMP subsystem should be fullyoperational.2. If the following message is displayed, SNMP is not operational:SNMP is not enabledTry the following:Check the configuration of the CyberSWITCH. In order for the SNMP Agent to becomeenabled, both the IP option and the SNMP Agent must be enabled in the CyberSWITCHconfiguration. (You may check the configuration by using theoptions andsnmp commandsin Manage Mode; however, you can only make changes to these items by using CFGEDIT).3. Enter thedr command at the administrative console. If the following message appears, the IPsubsystem has initialized successfully:[IP] IP router is initialized successfully