CONFIGURING ENCRYPTIONOVERVIEWThe CyberSWITCH encryption option provides 56-bit data encryption through two differentimplementations:• IP (or Network Layer) Security• PPP (or Link Layer) EncryptionThese implementations use the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. DES provides datasecurity for transmissions over the WAN between encryption devices, either through PPP or framerelay connections, or over unprotected media, such as the Internet.If you have purchased the CyberSWITCH encryption option, you will need to properly configurethe feature to make it operational. This involves configuring the following through CFGEDIT:• An encryption adapter (through Resources)• Security Associations and/or Authentication Headers (through Options). These are for IP secu-rity only.• Link Layer Encryption parameters (through Security). These are for PPP Encryption only.Note: If you have an existing CyberSWITCH without encryption, you may upgrade to anencrypted system. To do this, you must install the proper adapter and encryption-capablesoftware, then configure the encryption parameters. However, take note that this is a one-way process! (You cannot “downgrade” an encryption-capable system to a non-encryption software release).If CyberSWITCH encryption is new to you, we suggest you review the Background Information andConfiguration Elements sections before attempting configuration. Then continue with the followingconfiguration process.C ONFIGURATIONCONFIGURING AN ENCRYPTION ADAPTERU SING CFGEDIT1. From the CFGEDIT Main Menu, select Physical Resources.2. Select Resource.3. Select Add a Resource.4. From the list of resource types, choose DES_RSA.5. Identify the slot number containing the added encryption adapter.Note: Only one encryption adapter is allowed per system.U SING M ANAGE M ODEYou may not add an encryption adapter via Manage Mode.