Central Site Remote Access Switch 587S YSTEM COMMANDSAppleTalk Routing CommandsSess-IdThe session Id number associated with the session.Date/TimeThe date and time the session was initiatedIdle (sec)The number of seconds the connection has been idle.CommandHow the administration session was initiated. Initiation methods include:manage - the user is in the Manage Modesession - the user is using a Telnet sessionType (from)The type of session. Possible session types include:console - a session through the local consoletelnet - a Telnet sessionNote: If you have configured multiple admin login names on your off-node server, the login-id field will not distinguish between the various names. Use the sess-id field to helpidentify the different admin users.session kill Terminates the session specified by the session Id. Useful for terminating sessions that havebeen idle for an extended period of time.A PPLE T ALK R OUTING COMMANDSThe following commands are used to display AppleTalk information and statistics.atalk arpThis command will display the AARP (AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol) cache. AARPis used to map between a device’s AppleTalk address and their physical address. A sampleoutput screen is shown below:where:Address 21.1 is Entry 1’s AppleTalk address.08:00:07:8f:90:04 is Entry 1’s physical address (MAC address).valid is the state of Entry 1’s address. The state value can be either valid or pending. If thestate is valid, an address will have been logged (as shown). If the state is pending, theaddress would not yet be logged, and would appear as 00:00:00:00:00:00.atalk ping . [timeout/dnnn]This command will allow you to “ping” a specified device. If the ping is successful, you haveconnectivity to the device. If it is unsuccessful, you do not have connectivity to the device.The parameters for this command are:Entry 1: Address 21.1 @ 08:00:07:8f:90:04, valid