Central Site Remote Access Switch 387C ONFIGURING C ALL C ONTROLDigital Modem Inactivity TimeoutD IGITAL M ODEM INACTIVITY TIMEOUTThis feature allows the CyberSWITCH to disconnect inactive modem connections based on lack ofactivity for a specified amount of time. This feature does not affect digital HDLC connections.CONFIGURING THE DIGITAL MODEM I NACTIVITY TIMEOUTU SING CFGEDIT1. From CFGEDIT’s Options Menu, select Call Control Options.2. Select Digital Modem Inactivity Timeout. A screen similar to the following will display:3. Respond to the menu prompts to change the current configuration, and then enable the ModemInactivity Timeout feature.4. Specify, in minutes, the amount of time the CyberSWITCH should wait to terminateconnections to inactive digital modem devices.5. To activate the new Modem Inactivity Timeout value, you must save CFGEDIT changes, andrestart the CyberSWITCH.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSmodinactDisplays the current Modem Inactivity Timeout value.modinact [change]Allows you to change the Modem Inactivity Timeout configuration as if you were in theCFGEDIT screen.Note: If this feature is changed using Manage Mode, the changes will not affect any callscurrently up or in progress. It will only affect subsequent calls.M ODEM INACTIVITY T IMEOUT CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSMODEM INACTIVITY TIMEOUT VALUEThe amount of time, in minutes, the CyberSWITCH should wait before terminating connections todigital modem devices based on a lack of data transfer. You may specify a value between 1 and 42minutes. The default value is 0 (feature disabled).The Modem Inactivity Timeout is currently DISABLED.Do you wish to change the Current Modem Inactivity Timeout Configura-tion (Y or N) [default = N]: ?YDo you wish to ENABLE the Modem Inactivity Timeout (Y or N) [default= N]: ?YModem Inactivity Timeout (1 - 42 minutes) [default = DISABLED]: ?30