USER’S GUIDE428 CyberSWITCHEach section below uses example entries to verify IP Host mode operation. IP addresses are specificto the examples. Substitute the IP addresses of your network when you perform the IP Host modefeature verification steps. Each section also uses theip ping command. Theip ping commandsends a packet to a specified host, waits for a response, and reports success or failure. Substitute theequivalent command on your IP host.V ERIFICATION OVER A LAN CONNECTION1. Determine if the CyberSWITCH can access the local IP host. Type:ip ping If a message similar to the following is displayed, the IP host mode feature over the specifiedLAN port is operational. Repeat this step for each LAN port on your Ethernet resource. is alive3. You may have a problem if you receive the message:No response from Try the following:a. Verify that the routing entry for the destination network exists by entering the followingconsole command:iproute b. If the command returns “No route is available for ”, the routingentry does not exist. To correct, add the static routing entry using theiproute addManage Mode command.c. Check that the CyberSWITCH and the specified Host both have the same Subnet mask andSub network number for that ip-address using theipnetif Manage Mode command.Correct the Host configuration, or the system configuration (using theiproute changeManage Mode command) as required.d. Verify that the ARP entry for the specified IP address exists. As required, ping from the IPHost so that the ARP entry is updated. Use theip arp command to look at the ARP cacheentries. (This command is described in the System Commands chapter.) If the ARP cacheentry for the Host does not exist, verify that the Host is operational and that theCyberSWITCH and the Host are both physically connected to the same LAN segment.e. If the ARP cache entry exists for the Host, check that the IP Host has the sameencapsulation type as the CyberSWITCH. The CyberSWITCH can receive and recognizeeither Ethernet or SNAP type encapsulations. Correct the IP Host or CyberSWITCHconfiguration (using CFGEDIT) for encapsulation type.f. Try to ping the Host from another device on the LAN. If this is also unsuccessful, this mayindicate a problem with the Host.g. Verify that the hardware address (MAC address) for the IP Host in the CyberSWITCH’sARP cache is correct. If it is not correct, verify the configuration in the IP Host.