Central Site Remote Access Switch 293CONFIGURING A DVANCED IP ROUTINGIP FiltersThe screen identifies the common portion of the packet type, which includes the IP addresses andprotocol information. To modify these values, refer to the following section entitled Configuring theCommon IP Portion.The criteria for IP addresses includes the:• mask (logically ANDed with the packet’s address field),• target value (with which the result of the AND operation is compared), and• operator (which specifies the type of comparison to perform)Based upon what you select for IP protocol, you will be prompted for additional information, asdescribed in following sections. The IP protocol item allows packet matching based upon one of thefollowing:• a set of recognized upper-level protocols• a wild card value (with wild card valid only with an “EQUAL” operator), or• an arbitrary numeric valueThe upper-level protocols include:• TCP• UDP• ICPMC ONFIGURING THE C OMMON IP P ORTIONU SING CFGEDIT1. To change the source address, select IP Source Address from the PACKET TYPE menu.2. Provide IP address mask.3. Provide comparison operator (equal or not equal).4. Provide IP address target.5. To change the destination address, select IP Destination Address from the PACKET TYPE menu.Continue with steps two through 4, as just described.6. From the PACKET TYPE menu, select IP Protocol.7. Select Comparison Operator.• If you select EQUAL, you may choose between a specific upper-level protocol, an arbitrarynumeric value, or “any” protocol.• If you select NOT EQUAL, you may choose between a specific upper-level protocol or an ar-bitrary numeric value only.Current Configuration for PACKET TYPE "Type_One"1) IP Source Address AND EQUAL IP Destination Address AND EQUAL IP Protocol EQ ANYSelect function from above or for previous menu: