USER’S GUIDE214 CyberSWITCHradiusDisplays the current RADIUS server configuration data.radaccAllows you to change the current RADIUS Accounting Server configuration data. Afterentering theradacc command, you will be presented with a RADIUS Accounting Menusimilar to that in CFGEDIT.RADIUS A CCOUNTING SERVER CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSRADIUS A CCOUNTINGYou may enable or disable this feature. The default is disabled.UDP P ORT N UMBERThe UDP port number used by the RADIUS Accounting Server. This information is required for thePrimary RADIUS Server, and also required if a Secondary RADIUS Server is configured. Theofficially-assigned port number for RADIUS Accounting is 1813.Refer to the RADIUS Authentication Server Configuration Elements section for additional elementsthat are in common with the RADIUS Authentication Server.RADIUS A CCOUNTING SERVER BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONCyberSWITCH UAA software version 7.2 (or earlier) provides for a RADIUS implementationwhich uses RADIUS only for Authentication. CyberSWITCH UAA software version 7.3 (and beyond)provides the ability to use RADIUS to maintain accounting information as well. This additionalcapability should be especially useful to Internet Service Providers who have standardized onRADIUS for call accounting.When enabled and properly configured, the CyberSWITCH software implements a RADIUSAccounting Client. The RADIUS Accounting Client sends accounting packets to the RADIUSAccounting Server. These packets support the following attributes:• NAS-IP-Address• NAS-Port-Type (in format abcdd, where a = WAN card slot, b=WAN port, c = modem card slot,and dd = modem number)• Acct-Status-Type• Acct-Session-Id• User-Name• Calling-Station-Id• Framed-IP-Address• Acct-Session-TimeWhen a call is initiated and authenticated successfully, CyberSWITCH software will send anaccounting-request packet to flag a call “START”. When the call is terminated, it will send anaccounting-request packet with a value of “STOP”. This packet exchange provides a means ofdetermining the session time for the call (i.e., the number of seconds that the call has been active).P ERFORMANCERADIUS Accounting consumes an additional 32 bytes of memory per connection, or a total of 6144bytes on a full, 192-connection system.