Central Site Remote Access Switch 335CONFIGURING IPXIPX NetWare Static ServicesIPX N ET W ARE S TATIC SERVICESNote: With the availability of Triggered RIP/SAP (page 343), the configuration of static servicesis no longer necessary but still supported. Situations may arise in which a remote routerdoes not support our implementation of Triggered RIP/SAP. In this case, it would benecessary to configure a static service for that particular router.CONFIGURING IPX NETWARE S TATIC SERVICESU SING CFGEDIT1. Press 6 from the IPX menu to configure a NetWare static service entry.2. Press 1 to begin the configuration of a NetWare static service entry.3. Enter the user-defined service name.4. Enter the hexadecimal service type.5. Enter the hexadecimal IPX network number for this service.6. Enter the hexadecimal IPX node number for this service.7. Enter the hexadecimal IPX socket number for this service.8. Enter the number of hops to this service.9. Select the SAP propagation control. Note that the third option (propagate only when the NextHop is connected) is displayed only when the static route Next Hop is accessed over the WAN.10. After all NetWare static service information has been entered, a screen similar to the followingsample screen will be displayed:11. Press "Y" to save the static service configuration.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSipxsvcDisplays the current IPX service data (both statically entered and "learned").ipxsvc [add/change/delete]Allows you to add/change/delete an IPX service.Service Name AdminService Type 0x0004 File ServerNetwork Address 33333333:0409a0000001:0451Number of Hops 2SAP Propagation Propagate only when the Next Hop is connectedAre you sure you want to add the STATIC Service (Y or N) [Y]?