Central Site Remote Access Switch 415C ONFIGURING O THER ADVANCED O PTIONSFile AttributesAccess to files on an system will be controlled by configuration through Manage Mode. File accessattributes are associated with the existing system device id’s (GUEST and ADMIN) to allowconfiguration of file access rights.Configuration of the TFTP feature through Manage Mode allows the administrator to restrictupload and download access for each particular file type. The administrator can also disable theentire feature or a portion of the feature through Manage Mode.The system provides both a TFTP client and a TFTP Server function. The TFTP Client is invokedvia system commands from an administration session on the system console. The TFTP client usesthe file access attributes of the currently logged in device id, either GUEST or ADMIN.The TFTP Server function is invoked remotely from a TFTP host device connected to either a LANor WAN network interface. The administrator sets the file access attributes for the TFTP Serverfunction by associating an system device ID (GUEST or ADMIN) with the TFTP Server function.Whenever a remote host invokes the TFTP Server function in the system, the file access rightsassociated with the configured device ID are applied to all file accesses by the remote host.Each device has pre-assigned configurable access rights to the TFTP permissible file types. Theaccess rights are configurable using thefileattr change Manage Mode command. Refer to FileAttributes for more information regarding configuring the file attributes.When a device remotely access the TFTP server, it doesn’t matter what level the device is logged inas. What matters is the device level that is configured for the Server on the system that is beinglogged into. It is this file access level (or device login level) that controls all remote devices accesses.F ILE ATTRIBUTESCONFIGURING F ILE ATTRIBUTESNote: You cannot configure file attributes through CFGEDIT. The configuration can only be donethrough Manage Mode commands.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSfileattrThis command displays the current access rights for each access level depending on file types.fileattr changeThis command allows you to change the access rights for each access level, depending on filetypes.FILE ATTRIBUTES CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSFILE ATTRIBUTEThe access right for each access level assigned to each file type. Access rights include:• read only access (R)• write only access (W)• read and write access (RW)• no access rights (N)