Central Site Remote Access Switch 621S YSTEM COMMANDSTFTP CommandsThe following commands are used to display the terminal type currently in use or to set theterminal type.termDisplays the terminal type name.term set type>Allows you to set the terminal type. You may set the terminal type to either vt100 or ANSI.TFTP C OMMANDSThe TFTP feature and its commands are only available when IP routing is enabled. The TFTPfeature and file access are enabled by default when the system software is installed. Using theManage Mode, configuration changes may be made that will limit file access. The following TFTPcommands are available:tftp getAllows you to perform the “TFTP GET” operation locally from the console through the TFTPClient function. The following is an example display of a TFTP GET screen.tftp kill Id>Allows you to kill a TFTP session. The session Id must be included in this command. To obtainthe session Id, issue thetftp session command which displays the TFTP sessioninformation.tftp putAllows you to perform the TFTP PUT operation locally from the console through the TFTPClient function. The following is an example display of a TFTP PUT screen.> TFTP GET>IP Address of the Host containing the file( to abort)?>Enter the name of the local file to write (including the full path)?( to abort)? \config\config.nei>Enter the name of the remote file (including the full path)( for same as local)? Enter the mode (BIN [binary] or ASC [ascii]) for ascii? binReceiving File... Please waitFile Transfer Complete...