USER’S GUIDE402 CyberSWITCHUDP P ORTThe default port number is “514”, which should work for most installations. Consult your UNIXdocumentation if you are unsure of the UDP port number.DECIMAL UNIX PRIORITY VALUEThe default priority value is “38”, which should work for most installations. (Refer to Syslog Serverdescription, or consult your Server documentation if there are any problems). This value isprepended to all messages sent to the Syslog Server; it is used by the Syslog Server to determinehow to handle the log message.SYSLOG SERVERYou may select to send reports to a Syslog Server rather than the local log. In the Call DetailRecording Menu, System Message (DR) log Menu, and Authentication Message (DA) log Menu, add aSyslog Server to the list of active servers to indicate that CRD and/or System and AuthenticationMessage reports should be sent to that server.Note: You do not have to configure a Syslog Server name. The first Syslog Server configured willbe automatically named Syslog1, the second Syslog2, and so on. Up to ten Syslog Serverscan be configured. (For storing CDR reports, you can select up to three of these servers.)L OG O PTIONS BACKGROUND INFORMATIONThe Log Options feature expands the system’s log file capability and provides a consistent interfaceto the device when working with logging or tracing the activity of a subsystem. Currently, the logoptions feature supports call detail recording (CDR), system message (DR) and authentication message(DA) subsystems.The log reports that allow you to trace the activity of a subsystem can be directed to a specificlocation. The reports can be directed to a local log file, or to a UNIX-style Syslog Server.An off-node server can aid in the management of a site with multiple systems, since all systems cansend their log messages to a central log server. Note that in the case where multiple systems arelogging their reports to a single Syslog Server, the system name is used to distinguish which systemlogged which report. This makes it crucial that each system be assigned a system name that isunique within its environment.L OCAL L OG FILE O VERVIEWThe local log file is a circular file stored in RAM. It contains a fixed number of records. After the logis full, each new record overwrites the oldest record in the file.Note: The CDR local log is intended for diagnostic use and is not suitable for production use asa CDR log.S YSLOG SERVER O VERVIEWWhen you specify an offnode Syslog Server as the destination for log reports, you have more directcontrol over:• the allocation of disk space• the integrity of disk space (redundant, tape backup, UPS, etc.)