USER’S GUIDE126 CyberSWITCHdecibel value of 0.0 (meaning no attenuation). If the distance is much closer (for example, 1000 ft.),the decibel value may be -15.0 (i.e., the signal is strong enough that it needs a certain amount ofattenuation).LINE TYPEFor V.35 and RS232 lines only. This parameter differentiates the network connections fromconnections to local computing devices. The network line type should be specified for lines that willbe used by a Dedicated, Frame Relay, or X.25 Access.D ATA LINE IDLE CHARACTERThis identifies the idle character which is transmitted by the CyberSWITCH between the HDLCframes. The character choices are marks (all ’1’s) or HDLC flags (hexadecimal ’7E’), with marksbeing the default. In most situations, the default value is acceptable, as the receiving side shouldable to identify the start of a new frame after reception of either idle character. However, there maybe some receiving devices which cannot properly make this determination with the default of idlemarks. If communication cannot be established with the receiving device, you may need to takecare that the idle character is set to a value that the receiving device will understand. For example,CISCO devices require the flag data line idle character.COMMPORT I NFORMATIONFor systems using the asynchronous management port (COMMPORT) for out-of-bandmanagement. These elements control how the port will function. Elements include:• modem name• baud rate• data bits• stop bits• parity value• flow control type• mode of operationMode of operation determines whether this port operates in autosense mode or terminal mode.Autosense mode offers the flexibility to use this port for console access, or to send PPP-async data.For console access, the remote user must press or four times upon callconnection. If no carriage returns are detected, the CyberSWITCH assumes it will receive PPP data.Terminal mode requires no interaction. It automatically sends the attached device a login promptfor console access.L INE B ACKGROUND I NFORMATIONLines are communication facilities from the carriers. These lines directly attach to the system. Fromthe system perspective, lines provide the physical connection to switched networks. Lines are notrequired for LAN connections.Lines must be configured for BRI resources and PRI resources. For PRI resources, theCyberSWITCH supports both T1 lines (used in North America, Australia and Japan) and E1 lines(used in Europe, Mexico, South America, Korea). To specify the type of line as either T1 or E1, youneed to set a hardware switch on the PRI resource itself. (See PRI adapter settings in the HardwareInstallation chapter.)When configuring PRI lines, you will need to specify framing type, line coding type, and T1signaling method. Refer to the Configuration Elements section, which describes these characteristics.