USER’S GUIDE424 CyberSWITCH4. If you do NOT see the initialization message, check the configuration to verify that IP routingis enabled.5. If IP routing is enabled, and you still do NOT receive a successful initialization message, it maybe that you have either not configured a needed interface or have incorrectly configured aninterface. Check the system’s IP network interface configuration using theipnetif command(a Manage Mode command). If there is a problem with the configuration, useCFGEDIT to makecorrections.R EMOTE D EVICE C ONNECTIVITYTo verify remote device connectivity to the CyberSWITCH, the WAN lines that are connected tothe system must be available for use, and the bridging and/or routing options must be properlyinitialized. The remote devices must be operational and available to initiate ISDN WANconnections.The method of connection initiation is dependent upon the remote device type. Refer to the remotedevice documentation to determine how to initiate an ISDN WAN connection.To verify connectivity:1. In a controlled manner, initiate an ISDN connection from each remote device.2. When each remote device connects to the system, it will appear as either a “REMOTE site” oras the configured Device Name (if security is enabled) on the Monitor Connections screen. Todisplay the Monitor Connections screen, enter the following console command:mc Note: The terminal type must be the same for Telnet and the terminal emulation. Use theterm set administration console command to set the terminal type.If each remote device is able to connect to the CyberSWITCH, then WAN connectivity issuccessful.3. If the remote device is NOT able to connect to the CyberSWITCH, try the following:a. Set-up:The system software should be up and running. (At the administration console: if you arein the Connection Monitor window, exit to the “[System Name] >” prompt.)• Enable the call trace messages with thetrace on console command.• Erase the current system messages using theer console command.• In a controlled manner, initiate an ISDN connection from the remote device.b. Action:• After a connection has been initiated, view the system messages (by issuing thedrconsole command). Look for the following call request messages among the systemmessages:In - INCOMING CALL Call Id= Slot = Port=#> Chans= channel map> Ces= endpoint suffix>Rate= rate>Out - CONNECT Call Id= Id> Slot= #> Port= #>Chans= channel map> Ces= endpoint suf- PreviousNext |