5 -6E1-13 BasevoltageSet only to fine-adjust V/f for theoutput range. Normally, this settingis not required.0.0 to255.0*70.0 V*9 No A A Q Q 30CHE2-01 Motor ratedcurrentSets the motor rated current in 1 Aunits.These set values will become the ref-erence values for motor protection,torque limits and torque control.This constant is automatically setduring autotuning.0.32 to6.40*101.90 A*4 No Q Q Q Q 30EHE2-04 Number ofmotor polesSets the number of motor poles.This constant is automatically setduring autotuning.2 to 48 4 poles No No Q No Q 311HE2-11 Motor ratedoutputSet the rated output of the motor inunits of 0.01 kW.This constant is automatically setduring autotuning.0.00 to650.000.40kW*4No Q Q Q Q 318HF1-01 PG constantSets the number of PG (pulse gener-ator or encoder) pulses.Sets the number of pulses per motorrevolution.0 to60000 600 No No Q No Q 380HH4-02 Gain (termi-nal FM)Sets the multi-function analog out-put 1 voltage level gain.Sets whether the monitor item outputwill be output in multiples of 10 V.The maximum output from the ter-minal is 10 V.A meter calibration function is avail-able. *120.00 to2.50 1.00 Yes Q Q Q Q 41EHH4-05 Gain (termi-nal AM)Set the voltage level gain for multi-function analog output 2.Set the number of multiples of 10 Vto be output as the 100% output forthe monitor items. The maximumoutput from the terminal is 10 V.A meter calibration function is avail-able. *120.00 to2.50 0.50 Yes Q Q Q Q 421HL1-01Motor pro-tectionselectionSets whether the motor overloadfunction is enabled or disabled atelectric thermal overload relay.0: Disabled1: General-purpose motorprotection2: Inverter motor protection3: Vector motor protectionIn some applications when theInverter power supply is turned off,the thermal value is reset, so even ifthis constant is set to 1, protectionmay not be effective.When several motors are connectedto one Inverter, set to 0 and ensurethat each motor is installed with aprotection device.0 to 3 1 No Q Q Q Q 480HCon-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-tor