5 -34Motor Setup: E2User constants for motor 1 are shown in the following table.Con-stantNumberName Description SettingRangeFactorySettingChangeduringOpera-tionControl Methods MEMOBUSRegis-terPageV/fV/fwithPGOpenLoopVec-torFluxVec-torE2-01 Motor ratedcurrentSets the motor rated currentin 1 A units.These set values will becomethe reference values formotor protection, torque lim-its and torque control.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.32 to6.40*21.90 A*1 No Q Q Q Q 30EH4-56-606-119E2-02 Motor ratedslipSets the motor rated slip inHz units.These set values will becomethe reference values for slipcompensation.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.00 to20.002.90Hz*1No A A A A 30FH 6-1176-119E2-03 Motor no-load currentSets the motor no-load cur-rent in 1 A units.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.00 to1.89*31.20 A*1 No A A A A 310H 6-119E2-04 Number ofmotor polesSets the number of motorpoles.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.2 to 48 4 poles No No Q No Q 311H 6-119E2-05Motor line-to-line resis-tanceSets the motor phase-to-phase resistance in Ω units.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.000to65.0009.842Ω*1No A A A A 312H 6-119E2-06 Motor leakinductanceSets the voltage drop due tomotor leakage inductance asa percentage of the motorrated voltage.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.0 to40.018.2%*1 No No No A A 313H 6-119E2-07Motor ironsaturationcoefficient 1Sets the motor iron satura-tion coefficient at 50% ofmagnetic flux.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.00 to0.50 0.50 No No No A A 314H 6-119E2-08Motor ironsaturationcoefficient 2Sets the motor iron satura-tion coefficient at 75% ofmagnetic flux.This constant is automati-cally set during autotuning.0.50 to0.75*40.75 No No No A A 315H 6-119